Tuesday, August 18, 2009


There is a movie that every adult in the USA needs to see. It is FOOD,INC.

There are some parts that will absolutely disgust you, but more importantly, parts that will inform you about the satus of our food products in the US.

The GMO (genetically modified organisms) that are discussed (GM) in the movie, all of the products produced by this method are banned in England. The have done testing and found that they are not safe, so England has a GLOBAL ban on any GMO product. Supposedly, this same testing with the same type of results was done in the US but the company producing the products and they won't release their tests.???????????????????? What is that all about??????????????

Please stay to the end of the movie, I think you will be very surprised by the people you will see in the end.

After you see the movie, please post your thoughts.

